Top 5 most wanted Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Black Series figures vol 2

The original trilogy continues to be a favorite in Hasbro's Black Series line of 6 inch scale action figures from the Star Wars universe, and that makes sense with the immense popularity surrounding the original three movies of the franchise! As such, figures from these films keep coming out and that includes characters from Return of the Jedi. I made a list already talking about what figures from this movie I'd like to get in the line, and with Spirit Yoda, Jabba's palace Luke, and now Ewoks introduced to the line that means over half of my original list has been covered and I'm starting a part two! So without further into, here is my part 2 of the figures I want most from Return of the Jedi!
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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Black Series figures vol 1
Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Clone figures

5. Ghost Anakin
I'm starting with a small one and a potentially very easy one depending on what route they go in. Spirit Obi Wan was a nice figure to have and could be used in a lot of places, but as soon as spirit Yoda was revealed it became evident that a Return of the Jedi finale ghost line up needed to happen sooner rather than later. The only one still needed is the spirit version of Anakin from that scene. Hasbro could take the easy route and re-use one of the prequel Anakin figures, though fans would probably like to have the original Anakin more which would necessitate a whole new sculpt.
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4. Jabba's denizens
The scenes on Tatooine with Jabba's palace remain as my favorite scenes from the 6th movie in the franchise; I love everything about the dirty lair of the slug gangster that is filled with all kinds of scum on a level Mos Eisley thought it was at. From the droid torturers, 8D8 and EV-9D9, to the vile skiff guards and regulars like Amanaman, as well as Jabba's own disgusting doorman, Bib Fortuna, they all flare with creative design and the potential for great figures! Not to mention the Max Rebo band! That'd be an awesome group to put together in 6 inch!
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3. General Calrissian and Nien Nunb
Aside from a short lived stint in Han's clothes at the end of ESB, Lando's only real possibility for a figure left from the original trilogy is his rebellion general uniform he wore during the film's climax! It signified Lando's rise to a heroic leader of the rebellion instead of a simple businessman struggling to stay out of trouble. His wingman in the movie was the awesome Nien Nunb who went on to aid in the Resistance for later movies, with his alien design begging for a figure of its own! Hasbro may as well put them in a two pack at this point with how important they are to each other in this film.
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2. Endor troop builders
Getting a bit general in this slot, I'm talking about the army builders from this movie that haven't yet been touched by the line. On the rebel sides of things there are the Endor rebels in their green camouflage uniforms that would be very much welcomed to complete the rebel soldier line up from the original trilogy now that we have both the fleet trooper and Hoth troopers! On the Empire side, there are the AT-ST drivers who can surely reuse parts from past troopers in order to make their release easier. And finally, it took long enough for the line to give us one Ewok but the movie was bursting with these furry allies to the Rebellion and hopefully Teebo is the start of many.
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1. Endor Han, Luke, and Leia
For the top slot, I'm once again going with a Luke but also with the two other main characters from the franchise. Han, Leia, and Luke were the core trio throughout the original trilogy and Endor was the last battle we would see them all partake in together, with their outfits in this event very important for the line because of the significance of it being the climax of their original story. Han's would be the easiest, needing only a camo trench coat as far as I can tell, an easy cloth overlay ontop of one of his existing molds. Leia would likely be in her pastel general uniform with the Endor poncho laid overtop of that outfit, while Luke could do the same with the poncho overlaying his final showdown outfit that came out a while ago. I'm also hoping for a figure of Leia in her Endor dress that she got during her time with the Ewoks, especially now that we have an Ewok to pose her alongside.
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