Top 5 most wanted Fox X-Men Marvel Legends figures

Hasbro dropped an absolute bombshell in my opinion when they announced they were going to make Marvel Legends figures based around the Fox Xmen movies! The line is starting off strong with two renditions of Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X, Mystique, and an assortment of Deadpool characters. As a massive fan of (most of) Fox's Xmen franchise I couldn't be more excited about these characters being realized in figure form for the first time in a while and for the first time ever in the case of some. Hasbro has stated already that the line could continue if the first batch does well and I hope it does, because I have a few ideas of who I want next.
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5. Jean Grey
As a major player in the entire Xmen mythos, Jean Grey is probably one of the most important characters they could do. I would prefer the original trilogy version of the character when she is older, but cannot decided between her Xmen uniform or the Phoenix form from the third film in the trilogy. Either one would be great to get the figure in the line, as she is one of the most needed without a doubt.
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4. Colossus
They could go two routes with this character depending on whether they want the Xmen or the Deadpool version of the character and I would take both to be honest. They're quite similar in design with the only real difference being the sheer mass of the Deadpool Colossus which may make him more appealing as an action figure. Personality wise I cannot deny that Deadpool gave more of a focus to Colossus than the Xmen films ever did, but whichever way I get the metal skinned hero is fine by me.
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3. Cyclops
Hasbro came out and stated that Cyclops was going to be in the first wave of figures until being cut at the last minute, and I hope that means that the files for the figure were far enough along that it'll be there for quick usage if they move forward with a wave 2. While he didn't get a lot to do in the franchise, Cyclops has always been one of my favorite Xmen characters by being the sheer all good hero of the team and rocking an awesome looking pair of sunglasses.
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2. Nightcrawler
The opening sequence of Xmen 2 stands as one of my favorite movie openings of all time, and that's all thanks to the character of Nightcrawler. Out of the two we've gotten I would definitely prefer the X2 rendition of the character with his trenchcoat, and while his characterization in that movie wasn't the closest to the comics it was still a take on the character I liked and his scenes were beyond amazing.
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1. Logan and Laura
The line has already established that it can do two packs with the two pack of Deadpool and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and one two pack that I hope they pursue is the Logan version of Wolverine alongside Laura/X-23. Logan is considered one of the best films in the entire franchise with some of the best performances out of the whole Xmen series. Wolverine was the best he's been since X2, and the introduction of Laura was a really great character that I loved as an addition to the universe. Getting these two together would be the best way to go about things, but separate would be another option I would accept as well.
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