Top 5 most wanted Injustice Society members in DC/CW's Stargirl

The DC/CW's Stargirl tv is looking very cool so far from all of the trailers and I'm really looking forward to seeing not only her in this show but also the whole Justice Society after their brief apperances on Legends of Tomorrow. I know it is a different version of the team, and while the Legends of Tomorrow version fought the Legion of Doom alongside the Legends, the Stargirl show is properly bringing in the Injustice Society. A lot of important members like Brainwave, Dragon King, Solomon Grundy, and even Shiv are set to appear in the first season. The comic roster features even more villains, and I hope that all of them eventually appear in this show's universe to fight the Justice Society. Here are the top 5 Injustice Society comic members I hope to see in Stargirl.
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5. Johnny Sorrow
I know this character is one of the more major ones from the comics and would also be a very unique one to have on the show, especially as his look is very striking with the red suit and mask. His old deal about having a face who kills anyone who sees him sounds very eerie and would be a neat point to have on the show, and introducing him as either a surprise villain in season 1 or the leader of the Society in season 2 seems fitting.
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4. Harlequin
This is a character that I think could provide some good dramatic tension between the two teams as in the comics she frequently turned on the Injustice Society in order to help the heroes and her love interest, Alan Scott. While Scott isn't confirmed as appearing on the show anytime soon, I think she could still appear on the show for a later turn to good ether related to another character currently on the show or wait until they introduce Scott.
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3. Gambler
This could be a fun villain on the show simply for style alone. In the same way that Abra Kadabra's big splash on the Flash tv show was due to his entire style being bent around magic and magicians, the Gambler could really stand out thanks to his focus on gambling. With weapons built around gambling machines, he would definitely stand apart from the other members on the team.
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2. Blackbriar Thorn
Speaking of characters who would be set apart from the others on the team. Blackbriar Thorn would probably be one of the most powerful characters on the team and really be able to go up against the strongest of the Justice Society. His look is also very interesting, being made up of nature and sometimes looking more like jungle than a man! His powers of manipulating nature would be sure to look amazing as well.
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1. Wizard
This is probably one of the most important members of the team that I'm including on the list, because he was instrumental to the original formation of the team and very much acted as their leader on many occasions. Just like Gambler, he has a very distinct style by being that of a magician using things such as illusions, hypnosis, and other such methods. We already have an idea of what this would look like after Abra Kadabra, and it would look awesome!
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