Top 5 most wanted male Star Wars Black Series figures

I made a post recently talking about the female characters from Star Wars I would like to get in Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series line. The line is dominated by this gender of characters and I hope that means that the characters on this list are made sooner rather than later. There's a huge list to choose from when it comes to this demographic of characters, but here are the five I chose!

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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Carbonized figures

5. Jar Jar
While he may not be very popular among most fans, I think the design of this character would lend itself to a fantastic action figure with a very unique and stand out sculpt. Jar Jar is also an essential prequels character and one of the only primary characters from the franchise movie series that hasn't gotten a figure yet. If Hasbro is worried about sales for such a lukewarm character, perhaps they could do him as an exclusive of some sort rather than a mainline figure, then those of us who want him can still get him.
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4. Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi)
For this movie, we got about three of four versions of the same outfit from this character. What we really need though are his other two outfits which are by far more prominent and important. The first is his exile outfit that he wore for most of the movie, the clothes he wore on the island when he interacted with Rey. It was a great scavenger look, and I liked the greens of the outfit. The other is possibly one of the most glaring omissions from the entire line in the Crait projection Luke. This was an amazing moment for the character, and the black/white outfit looked great.
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3. Saw Gerrera
Skewing into the same Rogue One territory I keep retreading because we haven't gotten him yet, Saw Gerrera was one of the prime players in Rogue One and also one of the most intriguing characters across Star Wars! He started out on Clone Wars before making the leap to the big screen and then appearing once more in the Rebels cartoon. He's been around a lot, giving him lots of exposure and the popularity he has garnered deserves a figure. His half human/half robot look coupled with the cape make for potentially one of the best sculpted figures the line could give us.
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2. Prequel Jedi
This is a group I've been thinking about a lot recently, especially with two of them finally making their entrance to the line. I've always loved the random alien Jedi that make up the Jedi council in the prequel trilogy. They all have really great designs, and later great personalities thanks to the Clone Wars tv show and its greater amount of time to flesh out characters. Plo Koon and Kit Fisto were two great ones to start with, but now we need Ki Adi Mundi, Saesee Tinn, Coleman Trebor, and Eeth Koth to name a few.
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1. Bodhi Rook
There was no way this character wouldn't be number one on the list! He's topped out basically every list he has been on, and I'm still waiting impatiently to complete my Rogue One team with my favorite character from the movie and one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time. I love his everyman type, essentially being a normal person in a Star Wars movie, and the fact that he never explicitly took part in any battles also makes him stand out more and more relatable in my opinion. I would hope the line wouldn't skimp on plastic and give us his backpack as well, as large as it was.
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