Most wanted alternate versions of McFarlane DC Multiverse established characters

McFarlane has so far blown me away with their new line of DC action figures. I know the lay has its naysayers, but I honestly don't see the criticism and I think it is one of the best DC lines we've gotten in a long time. The sculpting is absolutely amazing on the figures, with each one being a totally new sculpt while past lines would constantly re-use and re-color figures. The articulation on most is well above what Mattel was giving us, and I love the diversity of aesthetics and characters that mirrors what Mattel's DC line was doing. The first wave consisted of 12 awesome figures, all from differing media, but for the first wave for the most part the line did focus on the main DC characters. We got three versions each of Batman and Superman for example, and I'm sure there will be more to come. With that expectation in mind, I've thought about what characters were in that first wave, and the alternate versions of some of them that I'd like the Multiverse line to dip into at some point. So here are my top 5 most wanted alternate versions of existing characters in McFarlane's DC Multiverse line.
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Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse Superman characters figures

5. Burnside Batgirl
Starting off with what I know is a very popular design, Burnside Batgirl has for a long time been the go to figure for Batgirl. Mattel's Multiverse did it, so did Icons and now Essentials. It was like a breath of fresh air when McFarlane revealed that their Batgirl wasn't based on that costume, but at the same time I hope they get to it eventually. It is a very fun Batgirl outfit, with the purple and yellow blending perfectly.
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4. Comic book Green Lantern
I don't care which one it is, but I would love a comic book Green Lantern after what McFarlane did with some of their other comic book figures like Superman and the Batman who Laughs. The inclusion of energy construct accessories with their animated Green Lantern is truly awesome and I'm excited to see what effects they will give to the comic book version who certainly made far more than the cartoon version ever did. I'm partial to the Guy Gardner goofiness, but Hal Jordan would be an obvious choice, and John Stewart would be welcome as well.
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3. Breaking Glass Harley Quinn
I really enjoyed the Breaking Glass version of Harley Quinn that we were introduced to in that graphic novel. She was a younger, less sexualized, more naive version of herself that I found really funny and entertaining to read about. I also loved her outfit! I'm not a big fan of her essentially bikini wear that she dons in a lot of the modern comics, so her fully covering up like her original incarnations was refreshing and both costumes I found aesthetically appealing. Her final costume, the red and black, would obviously be an awesome figure to get, but I think I would actually prefer her main costume from the book. The jeans, striped shirt, frill around her neck, and make up across her eyes may be one of my favorite looks for the character.
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2. A Joker
Technically, and that is a big technically, we did get a Joker in the first wave of the toyline. The Batman who Laughs is an amalgamation of Batman and Joker after Joker's death, and it seems like there's more of the Joker there than Batman. So I'm counting it, mostly because I want another chance to say how much I want the line to do a Joker figure in the classic form. Comic book, movies, Arkham videogame, Injustice videogame, cartoon, I'd love any version of Joker just to see what McFarlane does with the design! The classic purple suit, lanky proportions, and essentially the menacing smile. I'm sure there will be lots of Jokers in our future, and I can't wait to see them all.
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1. DCEU Superman
Something I'm excited for more than anything else is for the DCEU to be included in the toyline. I love the current run of DC movies, with the exception of a few, but my favorite remains to be their first with Man of Steel. I love Henry Cavill as Superman and I was always disappointed with the figure that Mattel produced for him, and then continued to release with each new movie appearance. McFarlane's Superman figure for the comics is one I really like, and if the DCEU Superman gets a figure even similar to it I will be very happy. Hopefully it won't be too long until the DCEU joins McFarlane's line (Especially with the Birds of Prey Harley Quinn featured on the backs of some of the boxes) and I hope that Cavill's Superman is one of the first released from it.
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