Top 5 favorite Bandai Dragon Stars figures of 2019

Bandai's line of Dragon Ball figures has finally started to branch outside of rereleases of Goku and Vegeta meaning that this year was chock full of a lot of great new molds and new characters to choose from for my top 5 list for this line! While the next couple wave sadly seem to fall back on rerelease and repaint fashion, that doesn't diminish the great figures we got this year, and these are my top 5 favorites!
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5. Piccolo
This was a character I had been waiting on for a long time, especially as one of the more recognizable characters in the series, and I was so excited to finally get him in the line with the start of the new molds! While I prefer the cape look that they are coming out with soon, I still love the first Piccolo figure because it is him! And the antenna on his head is something we'll lack with the caped, headwrapped version!
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4. Gogeta
I loved the Broly movie that recently came out and I was pumped when Goku and Vegeta fused near the end into the new version of Gogeta! It was an awesome, powerful form that I was excited to see in the line. He's tall, cast in a new mold, and the blue haired power up makes for a great figure to go along with the Broly we got from the movie!
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3. Kid Buu
Another new character finally added to the roster, Kid Buu marks our first version of Buu in the line and hopefully the others will be on their way soon. For now this version of the character definitely gets a spot in the list; I just love everything about it and the design of the pink, shirtless body with the long antenna on his head are a great constant to everything else on the shelf!
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2. Perfect Cell
The villains of Dragon Ball have definitely been getting their due recently, and that includes the perfect version of Cell from Z. I love the look of this bug-like monster, and his presence on the shelf is definitely felt with his size and his insane design! I love the green and black which mesh together really well, along with the prongs on the top of his head, and the massive wings protruding from his back. Not to mention the stub stinger that I'm sure genuinely stung me...
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1. Super Saiyan Broly (Super version)
I already mentioned the recent Broly movie, and the figure itself while talking about the Gogeta figure, so obviously the Broly figure we got for Broly in that movie was going to make this list. Broly in that film really stood out to me as a great villain and a stark departure from his previous iteration. The fight scenes in that film were also incredible and tense, climactic, and amazing to watch. Getting Broly's final form in the movie as a larger sized character, released normally and not as a build a figure, was very exciting for me and I hope his other forms in the film will be made as well!
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