Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series EA Battlefront 2 figures

I finally caught up to playing through the story mode of Star Wars Battlefront 2 from EA and I actually really enjoyed it! While the storytelling did have a few flaws, and the flow of the story wasn't as cohesive as I would have liked, the basic plot and execution were very neat. I loved following this group of elite Stormtroopers, some of which end up deserting to the Rebellion and becoming a key force in the movement! Black Series a while back gave us a Gamestop exclusive Inferno Squad trooper that was a basic repaint of the regular Tie fighter pilot. While great, it doesn't really represent any of the members in the game, and with videogames getting a lot more figures recently I'm counting down the top 5 characters from EA's Battlefront 2 I hope get figures!
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5. Emperor's Sentinel messenger droid
This droid ended up being a minuscule part of the game itself, but I absolutely love the concept behind it and the design looks stellar as well. The idea that the Emperor left a bunch of droids behind to carry out his orders in his death resonated well with the idea of what the Emperor would actually do, and the projected face of Palpatine on the droid's dome would look incredible in figure form. The striking red color of the droid and its robes would make it stand out on the shelf as well like a mechanical version of the Royal guards.
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4. Hask
This character is probably the one that counts as the main villain of the story mode, and I really liked that they used a former member of their squad for that purpose. It was realistic that not every member would spontaneous unanimously turn against the Empire, and Hask's interactions later in the game truly made it more of a personal matter to him to hunt down his former teammates. I think that all three of the main characters can be accomplished easily by retooling and reusing the Tie fighter pilot body, even if it wasn't the outfits they wore for the brunt of the game.
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3. Shriv
One of the stand out characters very quickly was Shriv, the alien compatriot to Lando who then aided Iden in many of her missions in the game. Aside from being an alien which is always welcome in the line, he had a great deadpan sense of humor and played against Iden, Lando, and the other members of the cast in a fluid, realistic way that makes me wish we got to see more of him.
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2. Del Meeko
The most intelligent member of the trio in a technical sense, Del was Iden's parter after they joined the rebellion and later lover as they finally took down the (seemingly) remains of the Empire. He was a great foil to the adventurous main character, and a lot of his missions saw him teaming up with the likes of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa which was always a treat to have, especially his relationship with Luke and how it changed his view of the Jedi as a whole and let the players know that not even the Empire knew that Palpatine was a Force user. Many of his interactions offered new information like this that built out the universe.
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1. Iden Versio
There was really no other option for who would take the top spot on this list. Iden was a strong, compelling, iron willed hero who began clearly fighting for the Empire only to turn against them once it became apparent that the Empire was doing more harm than good. Her relationship with her father was the core of the game and while I would have liked for it to be given a bit more focus, I did really like that when it came down to it she wanted to save her father and they parted on a mutual exchange that wasn't based on hate. Just like with Hask and Del, while the Inferno Squad outfit wasn't her main look for the game, I do want the main three in these uniforms because they look so good together.
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