Top 10 most wanted Star Wars Black Series prequel Jedi

Hasbro seems to have opened the flood gates when it comes to prequel characters for the Star Wars Black Series line! I couldn't be happier, being a huge prequels fan myself, and they just tapped upon one of my favorite groups in the whole saga with the Jedi Order. Having main members like Obi Wan, Anakin, and Mace Windu was great, but I also really wanted more of the random, alien members of the group and a couple weeks ago we got the announcement of Kit Fisto and Plo Koon! I'm seriously hoping that many more are on the horizon, because I really like this group of characters. Prequel characters, Jedi, and aliens all rolled into single packages, three groups we need more of in the line, and these are the top 10 I want to see next!
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10. Coleman Trebor
This Jedi had a brief moment to shine in the second movie as he attemped and failed to kill Count Dooku during the arena battle, instead being shot down by Jango Jett. I loved that short scene though, and this characters design would be absolutely beautiful in the Black Series line! The curved and finned head would set him apart from other characters, and would go great with the existing Jango, and upcoming Dooku!
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9. Pablo Jill
Another character from the arena battle I really want is Pablo Jill. He didn't have any major moments, but the design of this character I find just absolutely wild and want him sooo much in the 6 inch line. The 3.75 inch Black Series line got him very early on, and how great would it have been to have gotten him so early in the 6 inch line as well? The low set eyes and weird mouth are just begging to be in this line.
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8. Oppo Rancisis
Phantom Menace had some of the coolest Jedi designs that sadly didn't get to see action because I guess the characters didn't make it through the 10 year time jump. One of those characters was Oppo Rancisis who is a giant snake man with arms and an array of beards that I think looks just amazing. This figure would be unlike anything else in the line so far, and would really shake up Hasbro's designers as they work around his unique form.
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7. Yarael Poof
Another Phantom Menace Jedi with a crazy design. Yarael Poof has a fun name, and a great design in which his neck is incredibly elongated with a potato-like head sitting atop it. The only worry I would have is about the neck snapping in same way since it would be so thin and long, but that doesn't stop me from wanting this figure any less.
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6. Agen Kolar
My want for this figure is boosted based on the fact that he took part in the attempted arrest of Palpatine in the third movie. He didn't last long in the fight, but I would really love to have him to pose alongside Mace and Kit Fisto with lightsabers drawn ready for a fight. He could easily reuse the episode 4 Obi Wan body as well, as he also had the robes that draped down his legs.
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5. Luminara
Luminara was one of my favorite Jedi growing up, and she also ticks off the box of being a female which is a fourth group we need more of in the line! I love her black robes and the flaps on the side of her headdress that give it a more distinctive look. She also has the distinction of being Kanan's mentor from Rebels, meaning she could be posed alongside that figure as well.
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4. Saesee Tinn
This is the second figure we would need to complete the line up of Mace Windu's posse. I love the two giant horns coming out of the side of his head, and would fit right into the display with the other prequel Jedi coming out. If we got him and Agen Kolar as well, it would then beg for Hasbro to give us a prequel version of Palpatine, which I support as well.
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3. Shaak Ti
As a kid I had a select few Jedi that I loved more than all of the others, this included Shaak Ti mostly because of her presence as a playable character in the original Lego Star Wars! I love her design, and the red, blue, and white contrasts really well to bring a striking look to the character with tentacles that are still separate from other tentacle-headed Jedi like Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura.
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2. Ki Adi Mundi
Definitely one of the most prominent background Jedi of the prequel trilogy, Ki Adi Mundi got several speaking lines amongst the group scenes of the Jedi council. He was well regarded for his immense intellect, and was among the first causalities of Order 66. I like the almost human design of this elongated headed Jedi, and I also really like his robes as well compared to a lot of the other Jedi who wear similar garb. The sleeveless hoodie gives him a distinct appearance.
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1. Aayla Secura
Ever since I was little, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura have been my favorite of the prequel Jedi aliens. We're getting Kit Fisto in the line, so now I'm hoping that Aayla will be coming to join him soon. I love the design of the Twi'leks in the Star Wars universe, as well as the color blue, and being a prequel character, alien, female, and Jedi, this character feels like a Jedi designed for me! She would check off just as many boxes as the other prequel Jedi, but she is my most wanted Jedi from the prequels, all the way back to playing as her on Felucia in the original Star Wars Battlefront 2!
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