Top 5 most wanted Batman villains in the next Arkham videogame

For a long time a new Batman Arkham game has been rumored to join the series and after a long wait it seems that that rumor may actually be coming true with an announcement potentially posed for later this year! The Arkham series is some of the best DC videogames to ever be produced, and that is in thanks not only to the great gameplay and complex stories, but the plethora of villains you fought in the series. The boss fights are some of the most well remembered parts of the game series, as well as the stories that the villains took part in. While many of Batman's rogues gallery from the comics have been realized in the games already, there's still quite a few still left that could be added into the new game to freshen up the roster of villains you have to take down. So with my anticipation high to re-enter the Arkhamverse, here are the top 5 Batman villains I hope to see in the next game outing.
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5. Court of Owls
This is a heavily rumored one so I'm keeping it low on the list, but seeing the Court of Owls take shape in the Arkham universe would be very cool to see, especially if they're beginning to make their move because of Batman's apparent demise at the end of Knight. The games have heavily leaned into the detective aspect of Batman a lot, and having you investigate and track down this secret organization beneath Arkham would be a real treat for players, not to mention the boss fight potential with the Talons.
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4. KGBeast
If we're taking the Assault on Arkham videogame as canon then this character has already passed away in universe; however, I'm not sure if the game developers see the movie this way and that could open the door for the crazy KGBeast to show up in the games. He has been portrayed differently over of the years in different media, but as long as he has a big cannon for an arm I will be content with whatever we get.
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3. Ventriloquist
This is a character who had some big teases early in the game series, with his partner Scarface being in the clutches of Joker during the events of Arkham Asylum. The game has offered up some truly disturbed villains like Pyg, but I'd like to see them movie into the disturbed gangster territory and give us the Ventriloquist complete with his talking dummy. It's creepy, unnerving, and would make for a great villain to have in the series that hasn't been utilized yet.
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2. Ratcatcher
According to in game dialogue, this character may already be dead per the Penguin; however, I would still really like to see this character used in some way! I've always been fond of the Ratcatcher ever since his inclusion in the not so good Dark Tomorrow videogame, and his prominence is likely to jump even more thanks to a gender bent version appearing in next year's The Suicide Squad! A villain who controls rats is quite unlike anything else that the games have given us so far, and a fight between the Ratcatcher and the Batman could be the ultimate showdown for the rodents.
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1. Killer Moth
Just like a lot of the other villains on this list there have been a lot of easter eggs pointing towards Killer Moth's existence in the Arkham-verse. He is one of the lower tier villains along the likes of Firefly who himself has made numerous appearances in the games, so I think Killer Moth should get his due as well! He could be a fun side mission to go up against during the main game, and his somewhat silly costume would also make for a treat to see in the gritty style of these games! Perhaps they can do what Teen Titans did to him and make him an actual moth monster?
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