Top 5 omissions in Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series so far

The Black Series line has been going for a couple of years now, but that doesn't mean that they've covered all the major characters and in fact there are still several main players still missing from the line! The recent year has done a lot for covering these missing characters like Padme and Grievous; however, there are still plenty of figures to be done. So here are the top 5 biggest omissions to the Black Series line in my opinion!
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5. Nien Nunb
While I could make a whole slot/list dedicated to the aliens of Star Wars, instead I'm going to focus on the pancake faced hero who helped Lando destroy the Death Star 2, and who has been aiding the Resistance in the fight against the First Order. Nien Nunb is a fan favorite among fans and has been asked for for years! Lando needs his co pilot, and the line needs more aliens, so Hasbro should go ahead and give fans what they've been waiting for.
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4. More Battle Droids
This line thrives on army builders, and we've gotten tons of clones and stormtroopers for fans to drool over. We finally got a Rebel trooper recently, and we even have a Resistance trooper, but the glaring omission in the army builder portion of the line are Battle Droids. We finally got the standard version this year, but we should have gotten it a long time ago, including all of its color variations, not to mention the plethora of different droid designs the Separatist army offers. Battle Droids are synonymous with Star Wars, and Hasbro must tap further into this faction to fully explore its potential.
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3. Bodhi Rook/Saw Gerrera
I've talked about these two before, and I'll talk about them again. The product line for Rogue One cut us short two of the most important characters int he entire film. Saw has gone on to be featured in other media, including the upcoming Fallen Order video game so demand and prospects for his character getting a figure continue to grow. The one that worries me most is Bodhi who hasn't been in anything else and likely wont since the jist of his character was that he was a regular guy pulled into the war. Hasbro needs to get on the ball and finally give us these two major characters who made the defeat of the Death Star possible, and who are very much needed to finish our Rogue One line ups.
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2. Wicket/Ewoks
I know a lot of fans aren't too warm to these creatures, but just like Battle Droids, Ewoks are an iconic and automatically recognizable part of the Star Wars franchise. Wicket in particular is a fan favorite for many, and the line has gone on for far too line without these fuzzy little guys on our shelves. Just like Nien Numb, they would be aliens which is in short supply, but most of all they were integral to the plot of Return of the Jedi and are a major piece of Star Wars lore whether some fans like it or not.
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1. Count Dooku
The prequels have always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to this line. The movies have barely gotten any representation aside from a huge amount of clones, but that seems to be changing if this year is any indicator. We finally got major characters I mentioned previously like Padme, Grievous, and the Battle Droid, not to mention Padawan Obi Wan. Despite this influx of prequel characters, there is still one who hasn't been tapped upon yet and one that I think at the moment is the biggest omission in the entire line: Count Dooku. He was the primary antagonist for Attack of the Clones and the much of the Clone Wars tv show, providing a civilized, well mannered villain for the heroes to go toe to toe with. He is one of the most well recognized characters by fans, and one of the only Sith lords to appear in the movies. His absence in the line is becoming increasingly obvious and hopefully it is rectified soon.
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