CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths episode 3 spoiler review (Flash S06 EP09)

The third episode of Crisis definitely blew me away completely with what happened and the events that transpired before the midseason break that all of the shows are on now. A lot of great character moments occurred in the episode, and things definitely seem hopeless going into the break, but it is all just cementing this years crossover as something really special.
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Once again, the Oliver portion of the crossover seemed to be sidelined to everything else, understandably because of the scope of what was occurring, but Diggle, Mia, and Constantine were on a mission to retrieve Oliver's soul from Hell. This lead them to Lucifer from the Lucifer tv show which was a big surprise to see after I had heard he wouldn't be in the crossover, but that was definitely a fun cameo in the episode and his interactions with Constantine were great! Lucifer gave them a limited journey to Hell, leading them to Oliver's soul in Hell, though before he can return with them he is approached by Jim Corrigan who offers Oliver the chance to be the next Spectre, an offer he accepts! I can't wait to see Oliver as the Spectre and it is definitely a fitting role for him to assume, and a great way to bring his presence back into the main crossover story instead of Oliver just returning to life as normal!

Part of the story revolved around the search for the last few paragons, but as Barry and Martian Manhunter were revealed to be two of the missing ones, there was only one left to find and a few of the heroes went to search for Ryan Choi while Barry, Killer Frost, and Cisco ventured and eventually found the doorway that Nash Wells had gone through to find the Anti-Monitor. The Ryan Choi storyline was simple; Iris, Ray, and Ralph approached him and convinced him that despite him being just a regular person he could still help them and save the world for his family. While this was happening, there were a few character moments on the ship with Kara wishing to use the book of destiny to revive the fallen planets, though Lex tells her that the will power needed to use it would tear her apart for something so big; it put a stress on him just to hop universes and kill Supermen. Kate confronts Kara, eventually convincing her not to risk her life to do it, and then reveals that she has the kryptonite from Batman that Kara trusts her to keep and not to have to use it. One of my favorite was a moment with Routh's Superman, who is hopping dimensions trying to save people on the planets about to be wiped by the antimatter wave, who explains the black on his logo as a sign that even in the darkest of times they can still find hope. I love Superman; every version. There was also a moment with the Monitor where he confesses that he used to have a family, but they someone died and he regrets spending more time on his work than them. It was a great way to humanize more this man who has pretty much been a god up to this point.

My favorite part of the episode came when Barry and his teammates found their way to the origin of the antimatter wave beneath Central City! Pariah is tagging along, saying he is there to witness tragedy, and they find the antimatter cannon as earth 1 becomes the last remaining earth in the multiverse! They see that someone is running on the treadmill running it, and they discover it is the earth 90 Flash from the old tv show! They release him, though a fail safe means that the machine will self destruct and destroy the remaining earth. To buy them time to come up with what to do to stop the explosion, Pariah summons Black Lightning whose earth is also now destroyed! Black Lightning then begins to absorb what energy he can to diminish the building explosion, it was an integral role to the episode and I'm glad Black Lightning got a fun and important inclusion instead of just a wink and a nod. Welcome to the Arrowverse! Barry and his friends determined that running backwards on the treadmill can destroy the machine without destroying the world, and Barry gets ready to do it as he realizes this is the moment a Flash vanishes in Crisis. The change up happens when Barry from the old tv show steals Barry's speed and does the deed himself, and after 30 years gets the heroic ending he deserves after his show was cancelled too soon! The scene absolutely killed me! Having them play the original show's theme song, and then show a clip from the old show with Tina and Barry talking really got me in the feels before watching the original Flash disintegrate. His sacrifice destroys the cannon, saving earth from the antimatter wave as the heroes group back up on the ship.

That wasn't the end of things though, obviously as well with two more episodes after this one. Lyla returns to the Waverider after being missing for a while, and quickly shows that she is now being controlled by the Antimonitor. He kills the Monitor, and using the Monitor's power restarts the Antimatter wave, evaporating earth 1!!! It didn't end there though, as the wave came for the Waverider, and Pariah whisked away the seven paragons before the ship found itself disintegrated just like the rest of the Multiverse, Iris, Ralph, Black Lightning, and Ray included. The seven paragons found themselves in the vanishing point, a place outside of space and time...but things literally didn't stop there as Routh's Superman suddenly morphs into Lex Luthor who used the book of destiny to swap places. So not only is the entire multiverse wiped out, but they don't even have the seven paragons they need anymore...great going Lex (I love this Lex, he is a great villain).

With that, the crossover went into a break and I am having a really great time with it. Things are tense, climactic, and it feel like a real Crisis and not just something that they team up for halfway through everyone's season. I'm so excited for the show to return next month, and to see how things wrap up!


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