Top 5 wanted Mega Construx fire type Pokemon Pokeball sets vol 2

The most constant stream of Pokemon in Mega Construx's line of Pokemon sets comes from the smaller Pokeball sets that bring along one smaller sized Pokemon each. These waves have hit 11 at this point, 6 Pokemon in each set, and that includes a lot of the fire type Pokemon I wanted to see in the line! Fennekin and Torchic have both been made; and Vulpix came in one of the Pokeball waves. That's three out of five of my original list, so while I just finally finished going through each type for this series of posts, I'm revisiting the first type I covered, fire type, with my top 5 most wanted Mega Construx fire type Pokemon Pokeball sets vol 2!
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Related posts:
Top 5 wanted Mega Construx fire type Pokemon Pokeball sets vol 1
Top 5 wanted Mega Construx dark type Pokemon Pokeball sets

5. Darumaka
Remaining on this list from the last go round is Darumaka, the fun looking, round, wild eyebrowed fire Pokemon that evolves into one of the strongest Pokemon from my Black playthrough. The Clefairy/Jigglypuff build style would work perfectly for this 'Mon, but the only reason he is still lower on the list is because Mega Construx still hasn't introduced the Black and White generation to the line; of which this Pokemon is a part of.
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4. Litleo
In terms of build type, this Pokemon should be no problem in accomplishing! Mega Construx have done lots of four legged, dog-like Pokemon at this point and have it down to a tee. Litleo is a fun, pyro-kinetic Pokemon from the X and Y games that would nicely fill out more of that Pokedex which so far is somewhat bare in the line.
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3. Numel
Hoenn has a lot of great Pokemon, included in those is Numel who also evolves into a really great Pokemon. I love the color pallet and camel design of this Pokemon, and the hump would make for an interesting point to the build that would discern it from other four legged creatures in the series.
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2. Slugma
I used to think this was a Hoenn Pokemon because of its specific appearance in that game, but later I found out it was actually a Johto Pokemon! It just meant that there were more games for me to use it in which I thought was great; I love the slug concept with this lava creature, and its constantly melting appearance is a really great design point that I would love to see pulled off in the line.
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1. Magby
Jumping up to the number one spot since the first list, Magby is a Johto Pokemon and one of the many baby Pokemon throughout the series. We've already gotten Elekid, Togepi, and Happiny from that subgroup, so Mega Construx gotta keep the ball rolling and give us the rest of the baby Pokemon, including Magby with its snoot and bulbous head.
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