Most wanted Transformers Studio Series figures from each film vol 2

Studio Series is about to enter its fourth year of figures and I couldn't be more excited. All of the figures have been very well made and very impressive, and despite so many characters being done in the line already there are still quite a few missing from the line up. From my last list of the figures I wanted most from each film, we got the 2007 Megatron, Dotm Soundwave, and Blitzwing from the Bumblebee movie. Here is my updated list of my top wanted Studio Series figures from each live action Transformers film.
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2007: Frenzy
From that original live action film, there is really only one chaarcter left to be made into the line is Frenzy. Unfortunately, this character is smaller on the side of Laserbeak's size, meaning he cannot be released as a single figure. He missed his chance as a secondary figure with Barricade, and his final chance to enter the line seemingly was with the voyager class Megatron from that movie which didn't happen either. I'm hoping Hasbro still finds some way to get this character out to fans and complete the full cast of characters from that original film.
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ROTF: Skids and Mudflap
Changing my choice for this slot, I'm going with Skids and Mudflap this time around. The list of characters from the second film keeps getting shorter and shorter, and I think this would be a very neat and unique set of character for the line to do. Like the Arcee triplets being packed together, I'm thinking that these two smaller bots would be packed together as a two pack for the deluxe set which I'm really interested in seeing. I know a lot of fans have their issues with this duo and while some of their dialogue is a bit intolerable I generally found these two quite fun, and their ice cream truck form would be an awesome form to get in the toyline.
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DOTM: Autobots
I don't want this to be a bit of a cheat slot, but I honestly cannot choose between the three remaining Autobots that are to be made in the line! Leadfoot would finish out the Wreckers for the line and their weaponized Nascar modes have so far been very unique for the line! Dino has literally never received any real figure before aside from third party and cheap repaints, so finally getting a proper figure of him would be great. and Que is definitely one of my favorite Autobots from the movies with a cool looking headsculpt and one of the sadder deaths in the films. All three would likely look great in figure form as well!
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AOE: Junkheap
Remaining from the previous list, I'm still hoping that this character is made into the line at some point. I think it is so cool that three different robots all combine to form a garbage truck, and a cool way to do them would be three smaller robots sold at the leader class price. Each of the individual robot modes look neat as well, and robots who combine to form vehicles rather than larger combiners isn't something we get often in Transformers.
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TLK: Daytrader
I still haven't actually fully watched the fifth movie in the series through, but from what I've seen I know I'm not really interested in any of the figures aside from Daytrader. Most of the others were all either repaints of past designs or just undesirable characters, but I did like the original design of Daytrader and his role as this scavenger who just had a vast knowledge of everything; not to mention being voiced by Steve Buscemi!
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Bumblebee: Brawn
For a newer movie, Bumblebee has gotten a large chunk of figures on the shelf and they've even started to delve into the Cybertron only characters like Cliffjumper. If I had to choose who we would get next from the movie I would choose Brawn from the Autobot side! I've always been a big fan of this character and seeing him, even briefly, in the movie was a real treat. I love his green and orange design, with his shoulders forming a kind of hood around his head, plus getting more of the Cybertron sequence characters would be awesome to build out that display.
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