Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series 2005 Battlefront 2 figures

While I recently made a post about the top 5 Black Series figures I wanted from EA's Battlefront 2 videogame, I'm looking into the past now for the 2005 Battlefront game which is considered among many as the best game out of all four Battlefront games. I also feel this way, and as a child I loaded likely hundreds of hours into this game! While its story mode wasn't anything to brag about, the extensive amount of characters and maps as well as the fun game modes and gameplay made it one of the best Star Wars games out there and now I'm looking into the top 5 characters from it I hope get made into figures!
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5. Magna Guard
One of the special units on the Separatist side of things, I think the line in general needs more droids and the Magna Guard would be a very fun inclusion! While I think the gun from the game is really cool, I would prefer the version from the movies with the capes and electro staff, but I see no reason that all accessories couldn't be given to one basic release of the guard!
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4. Galactic Marine
The line has no shortage when it comes to clones but one that is still missing from the line up of action figures is the Galactic marine. I have always thought that this version looks really cool and it has a lot of design points that differentiate it from the regular clones troopers. The purple look to their armor along with the skirt around the legs and snowtrooper-esque helmet make for a unique clone design that would surely stick out on the shelf! Especially if it comes with the minigun from the game.
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3. Droideka
The other Separatist special unit along with the Magna Guard, the Droideka is not only an intensely powerful unit to play as in the game but it is also one of the major droid units from the movie series and is a design just waiting to be made into a figure at this point! Getting a figure of this droid would greatly bolster the ranks of droids on the shelf, and being able to roll it into its ball form would be icing on the cake as well.
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2. Super Battle Droid
I've been talking a lot about droids in this list, and that's because we really have gotten no Battle droids in the line! We've quickly gotten a couple different variations of the regular Battle droid, but there is more to the army than just the one design and getting a super battle droid seems like the logical next step to go. Its bulkier, blue design is immediately recognizable by fans and an army builder like this would have no issue selling; especially bolstered by its appearance in the widely popular Mandalorian.
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1. Jedi
One of my favorite parts of the game involved playing as so many different, more obscure Jedi that the newer games haven't given us! There's only two from the game right now that haven't been produced as figures, and that would be Ki Adi Mundi and Aayla Secura. Both are beloved by fans and would make for great figures, not only because they're Jedi but they are aliens as well which has been lacking in the line! Both had great missions in the game, with Ki Adi Mundi being an early mission to introduce us to the game, and Aayla Secura having a more horror themed one on Felucia. I hope to see both of these great Jedi in the line soon to join other recent Jedi figures and build up the prequel Jedi display.
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