Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series bounty hunters

Something synonymous with Star Wars just like Jedi and the Sith are Bounty hunters. They're present in almost every corner of the Star Wars universe and universally cool! Main players in the franchise have been bounty hunters and we've recently gotten entire portions of the universe devoted to telling the story of bounty hunters such as the Mandalorian television show! With that in mind, and the extensive role bounty hunters play in making the Star Wars galaxy feel like Star Wars, here are the top 5 bounty hunters I hope to see in Hasbro's Black Series line!
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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Clone Wars Black Series figures

5. Boba Fett (Attack of the Clones)
I'm placing this character at the bottom of the list because I feel he is the most unlikely to be made from this list, given that his actual role in the movie itself wasn't much. I still thought that experiencing Boba's backstory regarding his father Jango was really interesting and nothing that any fan could have guessed! The main reason I want a kid Boba though is because of the Clone Wars tv show and the many episodes we got spotlighting him and his growing prowess as a bounty hunter!
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4. Mayfeld's team
The most recent addition to the bounty hunter lore is the group of bounty hunters that the Mandalorian teamed up with his first season, a group that ended up turning on him and he had to slowly take out one by one by the end of the episode. I found the entire group to be interesting and the episode itself one of my favorite ones of the season! Mayfeld, Burg, Zero, and Xi'an would all make for a great group of figures and with the rate that nearly all Mandalorian figures have been selling at I don't think there would be doubt for these figures doing well at retail.
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3. Aurra Sing
After a blink and you'll miss it appearance in the Phantom Menace, Aurra Sing went on to become one of the more notorious bounty hunters of the prequel era with lots of comic and book appearances, not to mention her continuous role on the Clone Wars tv show primarily as Boba's mentor. She had a cool, creepy design with pale white skin and elongated fingers, not to mention the rod sticking out of her skull!
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2. Zam Wessel
The biggest bounty hunter from the prequel era behind Jango Fett, Zam Wessel didn't last long in the second film but the opening sequences depicting her assassination attempt on Padme and the chase scene afterwards are some of the best scenes from the trilogy. The chase gave more life to Coruscant than we had seen before as we explored the terrain of the planet and the streets, and the oddball inclusion that Zam was a shapeshifter was unneeded but such a cool bit of characterization that made the character feel even more alive. I love the purple outfit the character wears, and with Hasbro demonstrating an ability to switch out face plates with their Hoth trooper, I expect that technique to be used here to capture both her human disguise and alien true form.
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1. Cad Bane
I mentioned Clone Wars earlier on this list, a couple times actually, and the one topping out my list is one of the best characters to come from the Clone Wars tv show in Cad Bane. He was a fierce bounty hunter who went up against the heroes on several occasions, many times besting them all while looking awesome. The old western space design of the character fits so well with his attitude, and his alien design will make him stick out on the shelf as all aliens do! Hasbro still hasn't full paid off their promise of more Clone Wars characters coming to the line, and I hope Cad Bane is one of the ones on their way.
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