Top 5 most wanted Power Rangers Lightning Collection footsoldiers

Something that can be expected in every season of Power Rangers is new suits, new villain, new zords, and a new footsoldier to follow that villain's orders and provide many time filling fights with the rangers. So far the Lightning Collection line from Hasbro has only given us one footsoldier in the form of the original Putty Patrollers, which they're actually rereleasing in a new army builder two pack! I think that for characters like these with strong army builder potential, we should see more of them, and these are the top 5 foot soldiers from the Power Rangers franchise I hope to see in the toyline!
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5. Piranhatrons
Introduced during Turbo and following the orders of Divatox, these creatures got their own theme song which I thought was awesome even if the lyrics did nothing but talk down the threat of these foes. One of my absolute favorite scenes in all of Power Rangers was when an army of these creatures stormed the Rangers' base, absolutely tearing through the defenses and decimating the place that had been present since Mighty Morphin. It really seemed like dark days for the Power Rangers and while we still don't have any Turbo rangers for that display, stocking up on Piranhatrons would be a start. Plus, I like their wacky head design.
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4. Quantrons
The robotic forces of Astronema make a nice contrast to the constantly organic life forms used by a lot of other villains, and their more complex design would make them stand out against the already existing Putty figure. I love everything about the In Space season of Power Rangers, and with the Psycho Ranger team now fully complete, I'm hoping the toyline moves into the other villains of the series like Astronema herself and her army.
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3. Z-Putties
This would be a very, very easy one for Hasbro to do and I'm surprised that one of the Putties in the Putty two pack wasn't a Z-Putty. These are the Putties that Zedd used for his own forces once he arrived on the show, and despite touting how much more powerful they were they seemed to have a glaring weakness that in fact made them weaker than the previous version, having a dial on the chest that would cause them to explode when struck! Give the existing Putty a vest overlay like we saw in the show, and boom, Z-Putty figure.
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2. Tenga
The other footsoldier that we got during Mighty Morphin were the Tenga who appeared in both the original Mighty Morphin move and again replacing the Putties in season 3 of the show after Rita's brother arrived. These feathered fiends got their own theme song which is always awesome, and I love the bird-like design with the beaks and winged arms. It makes them very visually interesting and I can already tell they will make for awesome figures!
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1. Tyrannodrones
My love for Dino Thunder rears its head again, with some of the coolest looking footsoldiers in the whole franchise. These faceless warriors had really cool designs that looked ferocious and fierce, with dark, rippled, ugly looking skin along with a long dagger-like appendage at the end of each arm. They definitely looked like they belonged to the terrifying Mesogog, and their no nonsense design would be a great contrast to the bright colors of the rangers and the somewhat comedic look of the Putties.
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