Most wanted Hasbro Lightning Collection Power Rangers from each Disney era show

The Hasbro era of Power Rangers was long and had a ton of really great hits during its time before the rights to the television show went back to Saban. Some of my favorite seasons are included here, as well as some of my favorite rangers of all time! So far the Lightning Collection from Hasbro hasn't really touched upon this era as much as I'd like, but with the future still wide open here are the rangers from each Hasbro era Power Rangers season I want most in Hasbro's 6 inch line!
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Wild Force - Alyssa
Wild Force was definitely a very strong opening to this era of Power Rangers and the storyline involved was really great, not to mention the cast of rangers we were given. Out of all of them Alyssa stood out to me the most and was a fantastic addition to the team. I loved her intelligence and the fact that she was also one of the best fighters on the team, leading to an episode where she proved herself to her father. Her suit also has to be mentioned as it is one of my favorite pink ranger designs out there, simply for its complete uniqueness and the fact it might actually be a white ranger design instead.
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Ninja Storm - Blake and Hunter
Without a doubt Ninja Storm is the funniest season of Power Rangers and while I love the main trio of rangers, the Thunder rangers are taking this slot. Evil rangers who later turn good is a storyline Power Ranger writers have down pat at this point and this did a good job with Blake and Hunter. The duo's ranger suits are also incredible in design with darker colors and an insect motif. Ninja Storm hasn't been included in the Lightning Collection yet, and a two pack of these two would be the perfect way to go about it.
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Dino Thunder - Tommy
This was a truly tough one as I love all of the characters in Dino Thunder a lot, but if I had to choose a top pick it would have to be Tommy. Seeing him come back to the show was fantastic and it was in a starring role that saw him appear in essentially every episode of the season, and also suit up in his own ranger suit very early into the storyline. His black ranger uniform looks great with the mix of black and gold, and the popularity of Tommy cannot be ignored, meaning we may see this figure made in the near future.
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SPD - Sky, Syd, and Bridge
I tried to keep this slot to one character but ended up unable to choose between the original members of B squad. SPD has gotten a decent amount of love from the toyline already, with three rangers from the season already produced in figure form, and I'm hoping that hype doesn't slow down at all because Sky, Syd, and Bridge would all be fantastic inclusions to the line up. Bridge was a great character of comedy relief and while he was strange, they went away from making him an idiot and made him one of the smartest characters on the team! His headsculpt could even be swapped with the current Jack figure to recreate his role in Operation Overdrive's "Once a Ranger." Syd fit the bill of the typical female-esque character but she quickly evolved to a strong and capable character in her own right as well as one of the best pink rangers of the franchise. Sky is the one of out these three that has the most story and the largest emotional stake in the season. His drive to become the red ranger like his father before him was a great conflict for him, and seeing him go from a self reliant jerk to someone who'd willingly follow both Bridge and Syd into battle was a great transition. You could also take his headsculpt and swap it with Jack's figure, recreating the finale of the show.
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Mystic Force - Xander
This show was an absolute delight and I was surprised at just how much I liked it! The magical theme of the season was something that worried me at first but it fit just fine and proved that Power Rangers can literally do whatever they want for a season and it will likely work! While I liked all of the characters, this slot was an easy one for me as Xander just stood out to me. I loved his charismatic personality, his charm, and his comedic presence was very strong. Whether it was constantly taking on the role of "supervisor" while the others did all the work, trying without luck to talk through situations with the villains, or making the very odd comment of Leelee's mom being hot, Xander is one of my favorite green rangers of all time.
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Operation Overdrive - Mack
I know I just said Power Rangers can do whatever they want and it will work, and while I do think the scavenger hunt aspect of Operation Overdrive worked, this season was the first one that really fell flat for me. I just couldn't get into it as much as the others, and that could be due to sheer overabundance of villains (around seven in total all at one time competing against one another), or heroes that I couldn't quite jive with. Out of this group I did like Mack the most though, while he at first came off as a very annoying kid who repeatedly forced himself into the antics of the team, Mack eventually became a more mature character worthy of the red ranger role. The thing that sticks out most though is the fact that he was later revealed to be a robot, something I did not see coming at all at the start of the season and really caught me off guard.
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Jungle Fury - Spirit rangers
Jungle Fury has one of the best suit designs for a team out of every season of the show in my opinion, and that's just an extension of the awesome characters that make us this team! For this slot though I have to go with the spirit rangers introduced towards the end of the season! Dai Shi using the rangers' mentors against them along was a cool concept, but once the mentors were given their own Power Rangers suits everything just dialed up to 100. The elephant, shark, and bat rangers had incredible suit designs and whether this is a three pack of individually released I will buy these three without a second thought.
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Rpm - Ziggy and Dillon
I wasn't sure what to expect out of Rpm when I started it. I had honestly heard little to nothing about it from the fan base, but after watching just the first couple episodes I was completely hooked and having finished it I can say it is one of my favorite Power Rangers seasons of all time. The concept and basic premise of the show is so different from what we have been used to; having the entire world's population basically exterminated is so dark and it really felt like a dystopian nightmare a lot of times. For this slot, my favorite rangers from this team was definitely Dillon and Ziggy, the first two characters we are properly introduced to. Dillon as the main character was fresh and new given that he wasn't the red ranger, he was in fact the black ranger, and the show wasted no time in telling the audience he was half robot. The entire storyline involved with this and the discovery of his missing sister was great to watch. Ziggy is a stark contrast to Dillon, being the prime comedic character of the show but he never became annoying at any point despite his very eccentric personality. I found him very funny, and scenes like him acknowledging the explosions behind them when they morph was truly hilarious to watch. He relationship with Dr. K was one of my favorite parts of the season, and I hope that both Ranger series operator Green and Black are given figures in no time.
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