Top 5 most wanted Power Rangers Lightning Collection female figures vol 2

For a bit I thought that the ratio of females and males was being fixed a little bit after we got the close reveals of Trini, Rita, and the Ranger Slayer; however, I am now realizing again that the Lightning Collection is still gravely lacking in female characters. A lot of the shows thrive on their female characters with some of my personal favorite rangers being the various pinks and yellows over the years. So many of the season villains have been females too, so I agree with a lot of the community that the line needs to give us more of these female characters instead of leaning so heavily into the male side of the things. As it stands, Kimberly and Trini are the only female rangers in the line, and I hope that is rectified soon. From my previous list, Trini and Rita have been officially revealed, while the Pink and Yellow Psychos have actually been leaked via a Psycho box set! Even so, there's a long way to go in terms of giving the girls of Power Rangers their due, and here is my updated list of my most wanted female figures in Hasbro's Lightning Collection!
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5. Kat
Replacing Kimberly in Power Rangers was Kat and I really enjoyed her inclusion into the team. She went through the same process Tommy had, starting out as a villain who fought against the team, which gave the two plenty to bond about in later seasons of the show. If I had to choose which outfit I'd like to see her made into, it'd definitely be the Zeo uniform. I love the look of these outfits with their golden neck pieces and very shapely helmets.
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4. Kira
Dino Thunder has yet to be included in the line but I'm hoping it is soon because there is a huge amount of fan love for this era of Power Rangers and Kira is definitely one of the best yellow rangers we've gotten. Her attitude and reluctance to join the team made for a good arc as she transitioned to actually appreciating Ethan and Conner as her teammates. The look of the Dino Thunder outfits are also very aesthetically pleasing for me, and nostalgic as part of my childhood.
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3. Jen
With the release of Wes from Time Force, fans are already clamoring for Hasbro to make Jen, the Time Force Pink ranger, to go alongside him. She is by far one of the strongest characters to appear in any Power Rangers series, and her role as leader of the team was completely fresh as she was the pink ranger. Her growing relationship with Wes was one that felt earned as well over time, just like her character development.
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2. Astronema
Falling back to second place in this list is the villain from In Space, Astronema. The entire season as a whole was one that really blew me away with how much I actually enjoyed it and it quickly became my favorite season of the franchise! Along with the great Rangers and story, Astronema as the villain was awesome. I loved her performance and the look of her character, which definitely requires Hasbro to give us several alternate heads. Her personal story was one that connected her to the rangers that past villains really didn't do, making her more of a tragic and complex character who saw redemption by the end. I would also take her in her ranger uniform from Lost Galaxy, but her villainous form is what I really want.
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1. Cassie and Ashley
Taking the top spot this time around is the combined force of Cassie and Ashley from In Space. Just like I mentioned, I love In Space and the rangers from it are a bit part of that! Cassie ranks up as one of my favorite rangers of all time, and while I'm not super partial to Ashley I do appreciate that she was a well developed character and part of my favorite team. I'm getting super anxious for this ranger team to finally be included in the line, especially as the entire Psycho team (including the comic original Green Psycho!) has been produced! So hopefully it isn't much longer until the actual rangers from that season are made as well to fight them.
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