Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on Dark Knights Metal

Taking a look at Mcfarlane's offerings so far for their line of DC action figures, it is easy to tell that he is pulling a lot of inspiration from the more recent era of comic books. Most of all it seems to be that the Dark Knights Metal storyline is getting a full line up in the line, with Batman who Laughs and 3 of the Dark Knights already having figures either revealed or released! I loved this storyline, as a lot of others did, and I'm excited that such crazy and unique characters and designs are being made into figure form! With Mcfarlane's license with the figures just starting, we have lots of time to get more from this major comic book storyline and here are the top 5 I want next!
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5. Red Death
While this character is my favorite of the Dark Knights, leaks point to this character coming to the line soon and potential shots of an unfinished prototype have been floating around. Despite this, until I see 100% confirmation or shots of a finished figure I can't consider it a sure bet, especially after the cancellation of their Birds of Prey Harley Quinn figure. I hope this character does get their due though, as the FlashxBatman design looks incredible.
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4. Barbatos
The big guy behind a lot of what happened during the Dark Knights Metal storyline, Barbatos would make for an impressive figure with his monstrous design and nightmarish form. While I don't think he would totally be in scale, like how other characters like Trigon and Anti Monitor are impossible to do in scale, I think that a larger than average figure of him would work just find. One of the more widely shared pictures of him involves him crouching behind the Dark knights anyways so if that shot is able to be recreated with whatever size they use, it'll work for me.
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3. Evil Robin
Giving the Batman who Laughs his Dark Knights is awesome, but something else I'm waiting for to happen is for him to get his sidekicks from the storyline. The rabid, demonic Robins that he kept on chains would be wholly unlike any of Robin figure we've ever gotten and would no doubt look great alongside their master. Mcfarlane's preference for metal chains means we might also get them here in this line as well with the Robins' leashes, which would make the display look all the cooler.
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2. The Drowned
Getting into the last two Dark Knights that have to be included in the line. The Drowned is one of the more interesting ones storywise (though they are all really interesting stories) that involved a gender bent version of Bruce Wayne from another universe! I liked this contrast, and the pirate design with the dress and "eye patch" would make for such a detailed, unique figure in the line!
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1. The Merciless
Mcfarlane loves to do bigger, armored figures and this is one that would fit the bill perfectly! Bruce Wayne wearing the armor of Ares looks really awesome, and I'm a sucker for knight-esque designs like this as well. The armor, especially the helmet, all look awesome and the design includes chains as well which I just discussed Mcfarlane liking to do! The sword would also make for an awesome accessory to the figure, rounding out what would be another beefy inclusion into the DC figure world.
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