Top 5 most wanted Anime Heroes Naruto figures

Out of all of the Anime that I have watched in my life, one of my all time favorite shows has to be the Naruto franchise! I love all of the characters, the world that they build within the show, and the expansive, well thought out storylines that constatnyl evolve as new things are revealed. An affordable, long line of Naruto figures akin to Marvel Legends is something I've been hoping for for a while, and while McFarlane's attempts to cover the series seemingly putter out after a single Naruto figure, Bandai has taken up the reigns in their Anime Heroes line and given us four characters already! While I would prefer Naruto to have its own line like Dragon Stars, getting regular figures in the Anime Heroes line will have to suffice, and I'm so excited to potentially fill out a Naruto display in the future! These are the 5 characters I hope to see in the line soon.
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Related posts:
Top 5 shows I want represented in Bandai's Anime Heroes line
Top 5 most wanted McFarlane Naruto figures

5. Alternate Naruto version
Being the title character, I doubt that we will go very long without getting different versions of Naruto in the line just like how we have plenty of Goku versions in the Dragon Stars line. I would welcome each of these variations, ranging from his kid version from the first show, to the adult version of the character from the Boruto spin off. Then there are his powered up modes which would be awesome to see as well, such as his sage mode and sage of the six paths form.
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4. Akatsuki members
If there is one thing Bandai's Dragon Stars line has shown me, it is that they really like to reuse molds when they can. I think the recently revealed Itachi is the perfect case of the company being able to reuse a mold to a great extent, as many of the Akatsuki members aside from some of the larger, crazier members look about the same in their garb. Deidara, Pain, Tobi, and Konan are the immediate ones that come to mind, and all are big players from Shippuden it would be great to get.
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3. Naruto's friends
Speaking of groups of characters that it would be nice to get, the original group of friends and teams from the original show that lasted throughout Shippuden would be really nice to get in the line as well. We already have Naruto and Sasuke, though those are some obvious ones, but I'm looking forward to the characters past the main duo like Tenten, Lee, Shikamaru, Neji, Hinata, and of course Sakura to round out Team 7.
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2. Gaara
These next two slots will be single characters rather than the groups that I've been talking about, and the first one here is Gaara. He is hands down one of the best characters to come out of the franchise and ever since his first story arc in the Chunin exams he has been beloved by fans. His tragic backstory and iconic look with the gourd on his back would make for an instant hit in figure form for Bandai.
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1. Jiraiya
Number one is of course the pervy sage himself. While his original introduction seemed to treat him a bit as a joke with his eye for attractive women, the show quickly turned him into one of the central emotional core characters with ties to Naruto's parents and Naruto's entire journey to a true shinobi. He was funny, heartwarming, and provided one of the best fights in the entire series as he took on all of Pain on his own. Definitely one of my favorite characters from the franchise, and I would love for Bandai to do him in their Anime Heroes line.
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