Top 5 shows I want represented most in Hasbro's Power Rangers Lightning Collection vol 2

A while back I made a list talking about the seasons of Power Rangers that I most wanted to see represented in Hasbro's 6 inch scale Lightning Collection line of Power Rangers figures. Since then a couple of the shows I mentioned have gotten figures like Dino Thunder, and looking back over the seasons and what we have at this point in the line I'm revamping my original list with a new line up of shows with a great collection of rangers and villains that I hope soon see life in this fantastic figure line by Hasbro!
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5. Mystic Force
I ended up loving Mystic Force while watching it and I think the magic theme for Power Rangers really worked with the story they were using. The rangers were all a lot of fun to watch and get to know, not to mention their suits being completely awesome! The capes are a definite point of awesomeness that I want to see Hasbro adapt, not to mention great supporting characters like Koragg and Udonna who both became extra rangers for the season.
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4. Ninja Storm
Bandai seemed to understand the popularity of this season as its rangers were the first figures to come out of their Legacy line, but Hasbro has yet to touch the season at all. Not only were the suits visually interesting, especially the Thunder rangers, but the entire cast were hilarious and I found each and every episode consistently funny. The villains are ones I hope get produced as well, with characters like Lothor, Choobo, Zurgane, Marah and Kapri all being stand outs.
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3. Wild Force
This season was my girlfriend's favorite season of the show and after watching it I can agree that it is definitely one of the best examples of how good Power Rangers can be. It featured a very compelling storyline with the floating island of Animaria and the rangers who protect it and nature from the villainous orgs. It had one of the best team up episodes in the franchise with the Time Force rangers, and the story and mystery behind Master Org made him one of the best villains the series has ever produced!
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2. Lightspeed Rescue
Coming off of a lot of seasons where the rangers were high schoolers or around that age of being young adults, Lightspeed Rescue felt like a big departure with more adult characters who had true professions in the world and that helped the season feel more mature over all even with the usual Power Rangers charm. Their suits are one of my favorite designs of the franchise, and I loved each and every one of the rangers! The particular stand outs for me were Joel with his comedic difficulties in winning over his love interest, and the heroic Carter who stands for me as one of the best red rangers in Power Rangers history!
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1. RPM
I was just talking about how Lightspeed Rescue felt different from other seasons, but RPM took things to a whole other level and is so far the darkest and grittiest I've ever seen Power Rangers go! Having the world's population nearly wiped out by a killer virus, with the remains of humanity confined to a single domed city fighting for survival was an incredibly compelling format for the show! Many of the rangers' individual storylines really resonated with me, including Summers' which includes what may be the only on screen death in Power Rangers that wasn't later reversed! Dillon and Ziggy were both stand outs from the rangers for me, and having a black ranger be the main character of the season was a nice switch up from the usual red focus.
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