Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Flashpoint figures

I recently made a list talking about the top 5 figures from DC's Dark Knights Metal storyline that I'd like to see made in Mcfarlane's line of DC figures. I'm shifting now to another very popular DC storyline that is probably one of the most famous storylines of all time from the series: Flashpoint. While this hasn't been touched upon by Mcfarlane yet, I hope it is soon because there are a lot of great figures to be pulled from this alternate timeline event that literally spawned an entirely new continuity. These are my five personal top picks for the line!
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5. The Flash
Starting off with a basic one, a comic book Flash is still needed in the line. Flash has become one of the most popular comic book characters in the past several years I believe in part thanks to a great tv show, and very well received storylines from New 52 and Rebirth, starting with Flashpoint itself. Even before that Flash has been a great hero that is beloved by readers, and with this appreciation from fans I hope it isn't much longer until Mcfarlane includes a comic book version of him into their line of figures.
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4. Reverse Flash
The main antagonist of the storyline, Reverse Flash is the centennial Flash villain and his popularity is hard to ignore. The signature yellow suit is recognizable among fans and his role in the creation of the Flash has become one of the more well known superhero origin stories among comic book readers! He is one of my personal favorite villains from the whole of DC and Flashpoint is one of the best reasons why he is such a great villain, and I hope Mcfarlane gives us this time traveling foe sooner rather than later.
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3. Aquaman
These next few slots are character versions specific to the world of Flashpoint which I feel has never really been mined for action figures in the past. We came very close to getting a Flashpoint Aquaman from Mattel before their line ended and I think the figure looked great. The orange shirt piece is par for the course of Aquaman but the black pants are a nice contrast to the usual green, and I love the battle hardened, buzz cut look of his head design.
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2. Superman
This is a version of the character that lately I've been thinking about a lot and how I hope that the line eventually does him because it would be such a unique and different Superman figure from what we usually get. We're used to Superman figure being big and bulky, but this gaunt, malnourished version of Superman who has been kept in a government facility his whole life would be such a contrast to the usual and like I said, a big departure from the usual Superman figures.
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1. Batman
This is the big one from Flashpoint everyone always talks about, and with Mcfarlane's focus on Batman in their line I think this one is probably the most likely from the list to be made. Flashpoint Batman is notorious for being Thomas Wayne rather than Bruce, as well as a much more hardcore Batman who uses guns and isn't shy from murdering people. I love the look of the suit as well, with its sharper edges and grizzled design, not to mention the Flashpoint Batman's recent reappearance during the Button storyline that really struck an emotional chord through his interaction with Bruce.
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