Top 5 most wanted Transformers franchises in the RED series

Hasbro made a big reveal recently with the unleashing of the RED line (short for "Robot Enhanced Designs") and they are Transformers that DONT transform! This may seem like blasphemy to a lot, but I actually really like the look of the figures! They look extremely faithful to the original G1 show in a way that I feel no transforming figures ever really have, not to mention the excellent articulation scheme and the inclusion of several accessories that truly make it feel like a Transformers based Marvel Legends or Black Series! While I won't be abandoning the other Transformers line or anything, I'm very intrigued and hope to see this line keep going into the future and give us a lot of characters in this style! No kibble, highly articulated, graciously accessorized, and already we've been told that the line will branch out into other Transformers franchises aside from G1! I find this incredible news, and I can't wait to see what they do with other sides of the Transformers universe! Here are the top 5 shows I hope to see included in the new RED series!
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5. Beast Wars
In the official press release, Beast Wars was actually listed as one of the potential universes that the line would pull from, and with the profound reception the show has had from fans over the years that makes a lot of sense. The very different style of animation and designs will make for a very interesting difference in figures when compared to the G1 characters we've gotten already, but they will be very welcome and Beast Wars has really had no support in many years aside from the odd ball figure and the expensive Masterpiece line.
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4. Beast Machines
I have to admit, I really enjoy Beast Machines and even like it more than Beast Wars. I love the new arc the characters are taken on, and the extreme dive into Cybertronian mythology even if a lot of it isn't passed on to other series. The idea that Cybertron was once organic was fresh and new, and I loved each of the characters we were introduced to throughout the show along with the constant plot twists and mysteries we were fed! Beast Machine's designs literally offer no plausible way to make a transforming figure (if Hasbro even decides to ever revisit the show) so this line seems tailor made for this show.
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3. Prime
Along with Beast Wars, this was the other show highlighted as a possibility for the line and I think it is high time that Prime got a revisit from Hasbro as well. The show was incredible and offered instantly beloved versions of a lot of the core characters! Bulkhead became more popular than ever, Decepticons like Knockout and Breakdown were given entirely new stand out forms to fans, and the more mature, complex storytelling of the show set it apart from other recent shows like Animated.
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2. Armada
This is the show that started my obsession with Transformers since it is the show I grew up with, and I really hope that it is included in the Red line as well! We got a few updates to figures in the Generations line, such as Hot Shot, Starscream, and Megatron, though I would really like figures as accurate as possible to the original show and I think the RED line could give us that. Since the line is covering literally every corner of Transformers at the same time I'd be happy if we even just got Optimus and Megatron.
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1. Live action films
Upon seeing the reveal of the line, this is the portion of Transformers that my mind immediately shifted towards. Figures that are made to be highly accurate with lots of articulation and emphasis on no kibble! This seems like the perfect place to release lots of movie based figures due to the detailed, complex transformations and designs that sometimes even leave Studio Series making a figure that suffers from excessive kibble or shellforming. The movies aren't everyone's favorite, but I think the continued success of Studio Series proves their is a solid fan base and getting movie based figures in the line at least once in a while would be a really good way to avoid the kibble issue and give us outstanding and insanely detailed figures.
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