Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Clone Wars season 7 figures vol 2

I knew that Hasbro would eventually delve into the Clone Wars like they were promising to do and they definitely did not disappoint with their slew of reveals recently! Each figure they revealed came from season 7 of the show as well which I love, especially those last four episodes and now we have the Mandalorian loyalist, the Mauldalorian, Ahsoka's loyalist troopers, and Ahsoka herself in the line based on those final four episodes! I'm hoping that the Clone Wars figure train doesn't end there and that Hasbro has more reveals from the show lined up for us in the coming months, and with so many figures from my previous season 7 focused list now a reality I'm returning to that stellar final season for my vol 2 of top 5 most wanted characters in the Black Series.
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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Clone Wars Black Series figures

5. Rafa and Trace
Admittedly, I didn't find the middle arc of the season as fun or engaging as the beginning and end, but it was still a treat to see Ahsoka back in action for the first time in years and I did enjoy the relationship she built with the characters of Rafa and Trace. These two characters provided a different view of the Jedi, as the Jedi's actions lead to the death of their parents and even afterwards the Jedi gave them little to no consolation. Compared to the incredible final four episodes, and the awesome Bad Batch group, I'm not sure where the line would fit these two in but they're a part of Clone Wars history being one of the final arcs of the show.
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4. Bo-Katan
We got a Nite Owl Mandalorian in the line now, so the obvious next choice would be to give them their leader. Bo Katan has been a major character in the Clone Wars and then Rebels for a while, and her fan base is obvious present in the community. Making her would give us another female Mandalorian mold in the line alongside Sabine, and at the moment Mandalorians are a hot topic for Star Wars given this finale season of Clone Wars and the Mandalorian show itself.
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3. Bad Batch
The time to make these characters is no greater than within the next several months. Fans loved this group of reject clones from the beginning of the final season, with each having their own quirks and awesome designs to differentiate them from the regular clone buck. Now this group is going to receive their own spinoff show starting next year, proving their popularity! I will take as much Clone Wars as the line wants to give us, and at the moment it seems to stars are aligning for this unique group to be introduced to the figure realm.
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2. Jesse
Speaking of clones, Jesse was around for a lot of the show in a supporting role but it was the final two episodes that really hammered him into one of my favorite clones of the series. I absolutely loved that the show used him as the leading antagonist of the clones hunting Ahsoka and Rex instead of having it be a group of clones on their own; it added more life to the fight and gave Jesse an immense role compared to a lot of the other clones introduced throughout the series. Aside from his role in the story, I love his design and we have yet to receive an ARC trooper in the line. Extra points if they include an unhelmeted headsculpt with the Republic logo tattooed on his face.
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1. Maul
This character is probably one of everyone's most wanted Clone Wars figures of all time at the moment. Since his reintroduction to the Star Wars universe in the Clone Wars Maul has seen new life and a whole new fan base grow, his starring role in the final episodes of the Clone Wars cartoon was icing on top of the cake for a character we thought we had seen the last of after his death in Rebels and the flop of Solo. His duel against Ahsoka was one of the best fights in the whole show, and his destructive role during the final two episodes during Order 66 was insane, especially his highway fight scene that reminded me of Vader's hallway scene from the end of Rogue One. In terms of a Clone Wars display, we need Maul to lead his Mauldalorians against Ahsoka and her forces, and in terms of Maul himself he deserves as many figures in the line as possible.
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