Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG Armada cards

The Transformers TCG has their fifth wave coming up and the card game seems to show no signs of stopping, and I'm glad about that. I love collecting and playing this game, as well as seeing what characters and gimmicks are introduced into each new wave that we get! I was hoping that we would get waves for some of the other Transformers universes aside from G1, but it seems like the card game for now is focusing on the Generations line of toys that focuses on G1. However, the makers behind the game have said that they will include characters from other shows in the waves every so often. We've seen this with Cybertron Mudflap in Siege 2, Demolisher in wave 1, and now with Tidal Wave revealed in Titan Masters Attack! The reveal of Tidal Wave got me insanely excited for the upcoming wave, and also got me thinking what Armada characters I hope will pop up in new waves at some point! These are the five I hope to see in Titan Masters Attack or beyond.
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5. Optimus and Megatron
Going with the most obvious choices for this list, Armada clearly had their own versions of the faction leaders and I loved the incarnations that we got. Megatron was a clear military tactician with a lovely voice that commanded loyalty, while Optimus blended heroicness with simple charm as he wasn't the smartest bot but was the most courageous. Their conflict was a delight to watch, and their designs would be amazing in card form! I'm especially interested to know how they would pull off Optimus' combination with his trailer!
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4. Thrust
One of the characters introduced later in the show was the strategist Thrust, who quickly devolved from a devout follower of Megatron to a bot who aligned himself with Unicron against his former leader. It was a great transition to watch, and Thrust himself had plenty of comedic moments as well as serious ones. Whether it be his unleashing of Tidal Wave, laughably referring to Megatron as a "square head", or dooming himself by flying into Unicron's joints, Thrust is one of my favorite characters from the show.
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3. Hot Shot
A lot of kids have grown up with Bumblebee thanks to G1, Animated, Prime, the movies, and Cyberverse, but I grew up with Hot Shot and I hope that he starts to get more attention after being basically forgotten after the Cybertron cartoon. He was impulsive, brash, but had a good heart and actually took command of the Autobots for a short time in the show.
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2. Starscream
This is by far my favorite version of the character in any Transformers universe and perhaps my favorite story arc in any Transformers media ever! Starscream had an amazing transformation from soldier of Megatron, to Autobot, to lone soldier as he grappled with what was right, wrong, and what he wanted. I loved watching his journey right up until his final confrontation with Megatron and sacrifice to unite the Autobot and Decepticon leaders by proving Unicron's existence to an ignorant Megatron. I also loved Starscream's design, with the predominantly red color scheme and cannons atop his shoulders.
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1. Sideways
The only character to top Starscream on this list comes from the pure playability options of his card when they hopefully make it. Sideways was an enigma for a lot of the show, a cool, mysterious warrior who swapped sides on a dime while his true intentions remained hidden. His mysterious only grew more and more until his connection with Unicron became clear, and his manipulation of both sides of the Transformers war. I think that he in the card game has a lot of potential due to how much he swapped sides during the show, as well as the fact that he is Unicron himself. I hope that whenever they make a Sideways card it comes out powerful and playable, as he is one of the best characters Transformers has to offer.
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