Top 5 omissions in Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series as of January 2025

It has been a while since I've made one of these lists, and with good reason as Hasbro's Star Wars Black Series line has been giving us lots of much needed characters in the line from all across the franchise. Some of the biggest ones we've gotten as of late as been Savage Opress, Shaak Ti, a pipelined Gideon in his Beskar armor, but as many figures as we get there are still several outstanding characters and designs that over 10 years into the line I'm surprised we have not received yet. With 2025 just gearing up, these are the top 5 Star Wars Black Series figures that as of January 2025 I consider to be the biggest omissions in the line. 

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Honorable mentions: Lobot and Phantom Menace Battle Droid repaints

Lobot was more of a glaring omission a couple years back when the line was delving into heavy focus with Empire Strikes Back but did not debut a figure of Lando's right hand man. As the focus on Empire Strikes Back waned from the line Lobot felt like less of a glanced over choice, but I'd still point him out as one of the original trilogy characters most missing. The other honorable mention will be the Phantom Menace repaints of the Battle Droid, easy repaints that I am astounded we have not yet received in the line! We have gotten repaints of the B-1 in the line so far, but none of the live action ones known from Phantom Menace like the red, blue, or yellow colorations.

5. Qimir

Starting off the list is a character of recent Star Wars history that a lot of fans have been hoping to see in the line, and is not as surprising that we don't have him in the line quite yet given that the show kept him a secret for a while. At this point though Qimir/The Stranger is more and more seeming like a glaring omission, especially when we've now gotten Acolyte characters like Bazil in the line! The primary antagonist from the show and one of the coolest on screen lightsaber wielding baddies is in desperate need of the action figure treatment. 

4. Ezra (Ahsoka)

Another recent character design would be Ezra from the Ahsoka tv show, one of the most anticipated character debuts in live action especially as it followed up on the cliffhanger of Rebels years ago. It was great to see Ezra brought into the live action field, and as many figures as we've gotten from Ahsoka now we are still sorely missing this fan favorite. The rendition we got based on his hologram early in the show is truly more of a Rebels seasons 3-4 depiction, with his true Ahsoka debut not yet being represented. 

3. C-3PO (prequels)

These next three slots are going to be taken by more classic characters and designs in the Star Wars franchise. First up is going to be C-3PO from the first two films of the prequel trilogy. We've gotten several of this iconic character in the Black Series, but neither of two of his most unique designs. Growing up I absolutely loved these grungier designs of the character between his "naked" look and his dirty Tatooine look. The 3PO design and articulation scheme in the Black Series has been pretty much perfected over the past several years, so when we do hopefully get these designs soon they should be perfect. 

2. Queen Amidala

With how many designs and costumes as Padme has in the Star Wars franchise we are in dire need of many more Padme figures in the line, with last year finally bringing us our second look from the iconic queen of Naboo. The next obvious choice for Padme in the line is also what is considered to be her most iconic and eye catching, that being the royal Queen of Naboo garb that was touted throughout a lot of the marketing for Phantom menace. With the recent blend of plastics and cloth goods that we've been seeing on a lot of Black Series figures (Darth Sidious, Shaak Ti, Luminara) they could strike the ideal balance to capture this regal design. 

1. Nien Nunb

Swinging back to the original trilogy for the top slot is going to be an alien character that honestly astounds me that we have not received to this point. The original trilogy is the most popular part of the Star Wars franchise and a lot of it has been checked off in 6 inch form to this point, but not this iconic alien who is amongst to most recognizable aliens in the franchise. Nien Nunb aided in the Battle of Endor alongside General Lando piloting the Falcon during the climax, and he would be a great figure that could lead to increased interest in the long peg-warming General Lando figure.


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