The Flash S06 EP10 spoiler review

Flash has finally returned from break and with its return we are able to see some of the changes that this post Crisis universe has brought for us! We already got to see some of the changes with this episode, but no doubt we will find out more as the season goes on and I'm very excited to find out what has changed for our heroes and villains. So here is my very late review of the Flash's 11th episode of season 6!
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The episode started off with the Flash saving a newly reopened CC Jitters from a crook, while Cisco and Caitlin discuss some of the changes after Crisis. The heroes have always lived on the same earth (leading to Cisco hilariously revealing that he owns a Superman shirt that he didn't know he had), Gorilla city exists on earth 1, and may villains have returned or found new abilities as well as faces which we see later in the episode.

The meat of the episode was really divided into three different storylines for the characters. What was probably my least favorite in terms of resolution was Cisco giving Nash a hard time about starting the Crisis, being generally annoyed that the character is still around. By the end of the episode Cisco reveals to Caitlin that he feels bad about giving away his powers because he feels as though he could have saved more people during Crisis as Vibe. He doesn't regret giving up his powers though, and Caitlin gives him the idea to leave for a while to catalog all of the changes Earth Prime has in store for us! This means that Cisco is gone for a couple episodes, and he leaves Nash of all people in charge while he is gone. Nash has proven he knows his way around technology but he is still no substitute for Cisco, and he is falling into the Harrison Wells trap of replaying the same storyline. Cold at first, then warms up and becomes part of the team, mostly with Cisco. Thought Nash would be different given his continued meanness in the first half of the season, along with him becoming Pariah, but it seems post Crisis they're recycling their same Harrison Wells plot. Another thing that bugged me was that Cisco apologized to Nash and said that he's been taking it out on him when Cisco should be holding himself, Cisco should not hold himself responsible for anything. Nash did start Crisis, Cisco has nothing to answer for in terms of what happened in Crisis, and it isn't good that the show is pushing Cisco as taking the guilt and blame.

Secondarily, another plotline in the episode saw Diggle bringing Barry a gift from Oliver's last will and testament. Turns out it is the mask that Barry made for Oliver several years ago, and when Barry detects new damage and Mirakuru on the mask he becomes determined to uncover the final mystery Oliver laid out the groundwork for him to solve. It was fun getting to see Diggle and Barry interacting together, and ultimately it turns out that there is no mystery to be solved; the residue on the mask is from when Oliver donned his old costume for a trip to fight Deathstroke in a later season, nothing more, and it was just a gift.

The biggest plot of the episode involved Iris and her group of heroes investigating the Black Hole organization, which I'm finding a lot more interesting now that we're following it as a main plot. I wasn't totally invested during in its set up earlier this season, but I'm liking the storyline now that we're into it. We met Joseph Carver, CEO of McCulloch, which a source told Iris that Black Hole is connected to. Iris' investigation into him set a new version of Doctor Light after her and her friends, until Iris found the evidence needed to blackmail Joseph into calling off his metahuman hitman. There is no doubt more behind McCulloch industries, named after Joseph's late wife, Eva, and we find that out in a big way at the end of the episode. Before Doctor Light killed Iris' source, he told her the word "mirror", and somehow she connects that to a sign that she saw in McCulloch industries, "AVE" (with a backwards E). So she writes the signs letters, puts it in a mirror and finds out it says "Eva," so she goes to investigate that room. While I think the circumstances of her finding this out were very far fetched, guessed by a man saying, "Mirror" before he died, it lead to an awesome episode finale. Iris finds herself in Eva's old office which has all of the furniture covered in a tarp, obviously unused since her seeming death. Iris goes to boot up the computer, then notices the massive mirror on the wall behind her. She goes to touch it; however, turns back when the computer dings to life. That is when a pair of silver arms reach from the mirror and drag her in, and it seems like he have a new version of Mirror Master on our hands!


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