Top 5 most wanted Power Rangers Lightning Collection auxiliary Rangers

One of the most famous parts about Power Rangers teams is the fact that they almost always get an auxiliary member of the team introduced later on in the season that typically becomes one of the coolest characters in the season! The prime and first example is Tommy from the original Mighty Morphin who entered as the Green ranger after the show had had several adventures with the main team. The Lightning Collection has already given us a few of these extra rangers like Tommy, Dino Charge gold, and Beast Morphers gold, but there is always more rangers to do and a full history of auxiliary rangers for Hasbro to pull from. Here are my picks for the top 5 auxiliary rangers I want to see in the Lightning Collection.
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5. Beast Morphers Silver
Starting the list is one of the only Beast Morphers characters that we haven't received yet. We got Gold in series 2 of the line, but with wave 4 revealed, we still haven't seen the appearance of the silver ranger yet and hopefully it won't be too much longer because the team is ever so close to completion, and it would be the first silver ranger in the line!
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4. Quantum ranger
I thought that the introduction of Eric into the Time Force season was one of the best moves story wise and ended up giving us a very strong and characterized ranger on the show who actually clashed with the main team rather than aiding them most of the time. His interactions with Wes were great to see evolve as the show went on, and I'm so glad he got to take part in the Forever Red team up.
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3. Ninja Storm Navy and Maroon
Squeezing two characters together for this one, I love a lot of Ninja Storm and that goes for the Thunder rangers as well! As soon as Blake and Hunter appeared on the show I liked how their characters were portrayed, and I think that their outfits look absolutely awesome! The crimson and navy coloring looks like it fits perfect on their suits, and I know that Bandai's Legacy collection had plans for these two so hopefully Hasbro can follow through and finally give us figures of this awesome duo.
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2. In Space Silver
I am a big fan of the In Space season of Power Rangers, and that goes as well for Zhane the silver ranger who was introduced later on in the show. I really liked his comedic personality, and how valiant he was as he tried to help not only the rangers but the surviving members of KO-35. I found his romance with Astronema/Karone a really fun relationship in the season, and his act of pretending to be a silver Psycho ranger was just perfect and I hope we get a silver Psycho with his headsculpt at some point too!
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1. Dino Thunder Black
After such a long time since Turbo, it was really fun to have Tommy back on the show as a constant regular and a mentor to the rangers of Dino Thunder. It got even better though when he suited up once again as a ranger, and this time as the Black Dino Ranger instead of any of his older costumes. The line has given us more than a few Tommys at this point, but this is one I'd be happy to see revealed.
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